celebrated his 11th birthday in the USA,
come and listen to his incredible story!
Asterix of ZORRO's Dynasty
(left one) DOB 09/14/89!
Bully with 8 weeks
click to enlarge this photo
we shot after the first year
.. a picture which motivated many artists:

Please, click to enlarge Gordana
wonderful present & this first airbrush portrait!
Finally also our cars showed beautiful airbrush works.
Bully's portrait has been printed on calendars, in newspapers on postcards,
and watch out for the many posters.
He really presented the Chowbreed in Europe for many years!
Click to see more or larger images!
He has been shown multiple times with his Junior Handler Ludwig
and they also won at the World Dog show 1990
but even when he only mated one litter -
he has been told to "bulldoze" his fiancè like a locomotive
he's ability to start singing whenever one of the bitches is ready to mate,
has been of enormous importance
for the success of the kennel!
His "PR" in the 'Net opened the way to the USA!
His award stands for "Chowlove and best webdesign"!
His "master" Ludwig travelled to America
and Bully deeply suffered from the separation:
"Click on my sad immage to find out about my thoughts!"
so after his 10th birthday Bully finally had to consider to emigrate
... and to say Good- bye to his Austrian territories.
"Did this last bath really have to be before the flight?
look in my eyes after enlarging my photo!!
.. Well, so let's start!
I'm ready, but I'll only take the same plane as Ludwig!"

Leaving "Good Old Europe" to fly around the world and
finding a new home in the "Wild Wild West"
click on my old and new home and the my beautiful landscape to find out about the changes!!

How will my future look like? .. will I see some Indians, too?
at my 11th birthday!! :-)
King David and Lolly for
this beautiful birthday present!
...after You've donated this fun "wooly.mid" to me last year, too!