of ZORRO'sDynasty____________________Feber 1995
as extending suggestions on the veterinary handling
Lately you by lectures and reports to the possible causes of eccemes and skin problems were referred several times. Since however about the possible therapies little was spoken, perhaps with your discussions with the veterinary surgeon the experiences from keeping chows and reports of many years from the club nature as additional discussion base will serve you.
Perhaps first I would like to mention the diagnostics described so far briefly and extend something:
The first questions of the veterinary surgeon direct usually at the elimination of possible parasitarer effects such as fleeing or bites by ticks, mosquito passes, fly oviposition, mite ev. Treatment of Demodicose, mushrooms, in addition, possibly defects by skin infections after mechanical effects and violations, like inflammatory, scratches, bites or also squeezings of the striking layers. Not too forgotten is also the penetration of grannen.
Also Staupe and other infections must be excluded. Sometimes the place of the damaged skin points due to its position on an internal illness, inflammation or pain. Ovary -, or uterus and blister inflammations, as in addition, joint or tape problems can is diagnosed. For example a lickingeccem steps on by continuing sheath discharge at the insides of the thighs of a dog.
With allergies and autoimmune illnesses apart from the nutrition - possible protein surplus, etc. - also the residential environment will have to be checked. Carpets in addition, leather cleaning agents for collar and the like produce solid itching. In the city a large load, particularly given in the gaps of the toes, is for the paws not only in the winter by thawing salt, but during the whole yearly.
Metabolic and digesting problems arise both as a result of the domestic, as well as climatic surrounding field. The licking up of the germs at the damaged pices of skin distributes the pathogens over the gums -, eye and digesting area. Occur in the consequence inflammations, bleedings and digesting disturbances, which develop themselves further independently.
Likewise nervousness and behavior disturbances in the hair dress can express themselves negatively. This circumstance is often by one, to create simple diaper " - with the Chow that should be naturally a thick, small towel, under the ribs and at the tail root is fastened - not-medicamentous remedy. Gnawing - increased occurring during the tooth change is by educational measures favorable to influence.
This is often coupled with the hormoneal fluctuations, even with dogs. Thyroid over or - underfunctional inconvenience must before corresponding handling unique be however absolutely clarified. Exactly the same as with a possible Cortison -, or antibiotic handling becomes the body insensitively for other therapies. Some antibiotics damage even with the young dog the joint development. Sometimes the gift is used up by " Fenistil " tablets against the itching.
In addition, this applies with overvitamination. E.g. the vitamin A contained in the liver lebertran damages during intensive input the skeleton development, too much at vitamin D leads to container calcifying, etc.. Since vitamine and insatiated fatty acids are however absolutely constituent of each skin therapy, is to be referred also to this circumstance.
As the second point possibilities of the acute treatment of wounds should be discussed:
Are to the owner of dog as means of first selection cooled hydrogen and calendula ointment, in addition, woundpowder, how Sulwerft or Valvanol Argophyll, which works additionally both bloodstopping, does not become lumpy and, at the disposal. At present the up-to-date discussed tea tree oil, or also the Johannis-herb's oil, shows good effects. Also against the black coloration, it brings large assistance to the skin by pigment storage in place of the tar ointment. A subsequent handling of the healed skin also, Sulfrin " showed astonishing successes regarding imminent new stature of the hair dress.
Local one antibiotic therapies of the veterinary surgeons by before times, Chloromycetin Spay " and now " Terramycin spray " treat directed the place gotten sick and prevent due to the bitter taste a further licking of the wound. In the consequence the spraing represents, Pana Veyxal ointment spray " a correct supply of the wound.
The woundtreatment by ointments in creamyform, like Vita Merfen, Thiosept, Mirfulan or milking fat should occur only under exact check of the surrounding field, since the damp climate in connection with the surrounding skin serves as Petri plate for the settled germs, and thus the propagation too, Big Top Spots " favours.
The pudrige handling of the skin, both for prevention, shows very good successes and in the woundtreatment by blowing up sulfur powder, ev. connected with baby propellant. Sulfur D6 (- D 30), as Globuli over the mouth mucous membrane taken, represents the means of first selection for many skin diseases beside other homoepatic essence.
Thus we come to established additions, both in the prophylaxis and in the therapy. Insatiated fatty acids help already as cold pressed oils, like thistle or sunflower's oil. More concentrated and with suitable additions such as tea tree oil, etc. we find it in, to "Vel Cote ", which is internationally recommended by many exhibitors. Other products on basebase base are e.g., "Top Coat " or, "salmon oil ". If the Chow does not avoid the income of caps, the most exact dosage is in optimal composition in the products " Effaderm forte " and, "e.f.s. to 100 forte " contained. In tablet form, "Petnil" is available. Long-known also that is sometimes disputed, "Murnil ", which supports the puppy by an appropriate mineral material mixture in growth and in skin production. Also the reconvalescent dog is supplied by this mixture. " Pernafit Lacto plus", "V.I.Pet ",, Hokamix " and yogurt offer the possibility the digestive tract to influence favorably if necessary. With "Hokamix " and yogurt offer the possibility the digestive tract to influence favorably if necessary. With "Hokamix" however in the special one the tallow glands for increased tallowproduction lively and larger excrement quantities becomes produced, which affects metabolic illnesses favorably, for the organism of a weakened animal however extremely loading.
A secret tip is the gift of Propolis or jelly Royal products.
With hormoneal or the way to a competent homoeopatic handling is often displayed nervous modifications. One of the means is e.g. Pursatilla D 30, possibly temper conditionally in combination with others. Also gifts from the vitamin b-complex show pleasing effect (Vetzyme, Beneuran Compositum).
antiparasitical baths and in the consequence rinsing with a lotionlotion lotion are not too often to be submitted our Chows. During the bath must be paid attention to a safe status, in order to prevent falls and thus tape violations. The skin is to become perfectly drying. Wet places are processed only again again with licking. With flea preventionrings and sprays is the owner - and in special children - in continuing contact with the pestiziden. In this case should be discussed the use of, "Expot " or "Tiguvon ". At present also sprays on basis of cocooil are etc. on the market, which bring fleas to, to "blow-out ". Advantage reform tablets are often recommended. House and environment should be included into the handling plan. (Eric H.W. Aldingtons book is recommendable)