Internet offers enormous variety at information to the user. The number of brillant photos, pictures and diagrams throughout is to be checked in no book. With admiration one pursues the innovative application of the Web designers, who presentdifferent Chow -lovers , kennels , clubs and organisations in attractive way.
Equal to beginning of our search for addresses in the Net we were astonished at the unbelievably large number of addresses about Chow Chow. The pages are characterised in relation to that so far admitted hps by throughout high quality of design. The Chowowners present beautiful backgrounds as document for their photos and information. Banners, frames and animations stress their enthusiasm for their animals. Often they tell the history of their kennel or experiences with their favourites. Many call themselves as " hooked on Chows "!
We became acquainted with very many Chows and their Pedigrees. It is to be seen amazing, where they were bred, where they live at present, where your brothers and sisters live or to also pursue, who exhibition success can obtain them, with whom is covered and only quite which beautiful puppies are born. I hardly ever saw as lovely and affectionate puppy photos as in the Internet. An exciting enriching was also the realization over the large number of creme Chows, which are my undisputed favorites.
A special area - even an own community: " The society for the Preservation Of the Smooth Chow Chow " - is dedicated to the smooth. We found much more kennels, that possess and breed some smooth Chows, than assumed. A grandiose page is dedicated to a marvelous US champion. In addition, in many other countries one finds outstanding representatives and inspiring accommodations.
Beside the wonderful photos, narrations and reports over breed and exhibitions we found information about Chow Rescue organization, thus the responsible switching of turned out Chows and medical information. Some Chows are trained in Obedience and in many countries we found Chows, which furnished quite extraordinary performances in the therapy. We could find notes on many new Chowbooks, calendars and even videos.
The artistic gift of some Chowowners and breeders is quite remarkable. Paintings, but also Airbrush, wallpaintings, t-shirts, covers, boxes... up to fantastic Christian tree balls do not only show the large gift and affectionate relationship with the dogs. It is to be observed interesting, how the pages change. Some transfer the presentation to experienced Web designers, others train themselves into the subject and improve their pages constantly in admirable way, are even later asked to create for friends hps.
Finally I would like to state that Internet represents the richest and most beautiful Chowlibrary. According to my opinion one can surf over months and finds the most interesting information again and again and most wonderful pictures. For a riser the almost continuous link collection the DOMINO Chows is recommended, which represents the gate into the interactive Chowworld. Even its own Chow chat forum is offered.
The most beautiful however are the nice friendships to particularly affectionate and engaged Chowowners in all world. The presentations of the homepage permit a first view of the life of the " Chowfamilies " and we are grateful over the so cordial accommodation and the nice friendships. Our large thanks particularly apply the dear breeder of the Eldorado Chows, Mrs. Rohrbach, who imported already marvelous Chows to Austria.
Also in Austria the interest increases constantly. We wait already longingly for the presentation of the kennel and the puppies of a club breeder. This will enrich the operational readiness level of the Austrian Chows in the Internet surely.